UPCOMING SHOW: Heather Green, Jon Samuel, Stewart Legere and Matt McIntyre - Dec 19 @ The Carleton

Press release provided by Octopi Entertainment

Octopi Entertainment presents hometown friends: Heather Green, Jon Samuel, Stewart Legere and Matt McIntyre live at The Carleton on Thursday, December 19th. Tickets onsale now at http://etixnow.com/events/heather-green-dec-19 for $12 advance. Remaining tickets will be available for purchase at the door for $15. Doors open at 9PM, with show beginning promptly at 10PM. 

FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/688897324456571/


Heather Green, a California native, who now calls Halifax home has truly embraced the spirit of song writing in her new signature record “Your Last War”. Produced by Halifax’s multi-talented Daniel Ledwell (In-Flight Safety, Jenn Grant, Kathleen Edwards and The Weakerthans), it is without a doubt the most motley series of songs yet by this emerging East Coast artist. “Your Last War” is a true representation of the community Green has carved out in Halifax, Ledwell is not the only Haligonian to put a stamp on this record, there are many contributions by talented East Coast artists, including Erin Costelo, Rose Cousins, Ria Mae, Naomi-Joy Blackhall-Butler, Don Brownrigg, Margot Durling, Heather Gibson, Rick Edgett, and Jenn Grant.



Prior to becoming a full-time member of Juno Award winners, Wintersleep, Jon began his recording career in the Halifax band Slight Return (whose debut was released on Quebec’s Matlock Records). Over the years he crossed paths with Wintersleep, and he first joined their side-project Contrived for their second record Dead Air Verbatim and the subsequent album, Blank Blank Blank before finding his way permanently into the fold.

Samuel modestly suggests he builds his pop songs on “very few chords,” but they’re the best foundation on which to build with scrappy instrumentation and playful vocal harmonies.



Stewart likes puzzles where the pieces are words, and the pictures are poems. Writer, actor, singer, songwriter, runner; wine drinker. He studied theatre at Dalhousie University, as well as with the Irondale Ensemble Project in ensemble creation and physical theatre. He is a frequent collaborator with Zuppa Theatre Co, and sings with orchestral pop outfit The Heavy Blinkers. He is currently recording his debut album.



Dartmouth born and raised, Matthew will be returning home to Halifax from Quebec for his debut show. 
