Still avid music fans, you'll find us using this blog as a place to keep our ever growing collection of photos and videos from the shows we attend, all in one place. We will also be regularly going through our archives, to find bits and pieces of media that were never released! 

So even though Noisography is no longer functioning as an official media outlet - we're not dead yet!

If you want to follow along in real time, follow us on INSTAGRAM!

If you'd like to follow along with what we're up to while we're not chillin to some live tunes, check out our other socials below!

Tiffany is still taking photos. Mostly photos of birds & plants, instead of musicians, but still taking photos. If you enjoy weekly posts about backyard gardens, house plants, feeding crows peanuts and making friends with blue jays, then check out her personal instagram feed, lilgoblinhfx.

When she's not in the garden, Tiffany also runs an online bakery, SWEETCRAFT. Usually a seasonal hobby, providing unique hand crafted 3D cookies to those looking to lessen their holiday stress, the pop up type style bakery, will hopefully be available year round by 2023.


Dan is still making music. Most recently recording two albums with Halifax's Hemineglect, recently nominated for the Music Nova Scotia Awards and the East Coast Music Awards, as well as a follow up from his own band NOR. You can also follow his instagram feed @megadan33 for an occasional glimpse of electronic music jams and homemade gourmet meals.
