Show Overview: Scion Presents: We're Doomed EP Release & Tour Kick-off!
WE'RE DOOMEDFriday, July 8th @ The Seahorse Tavern
w/special guests:
9pm | $7 (or $10 w/copy of 'Like a Machine')
Scion -
Red Tentacle -
D-Tox -
Levels kicked off the evening with their intense hardcore/indie fusion, with plenty of harmonized guitar riffing. The had the intense energy of a seasoned band with the fresh sound that comes with shedding an old name and starting new. While the vocals weren't the strong point, they served their purpose, and the band had all the instrumental prowess required for the genre. Stylistically they reminded me of headliners We're Doomed's earlier sounds combing hardcore and post-rock, so it may be only slightly premature to say that Halifax is evolving yet another style of music mashed up from previously disparate genre's.
The Stogies were up next, and while they delivered fierce energy and high intensity rock, their brand of KISS style power chord blues rock didn't do a lot for me compared the the other bands on the bill.
"The way you walk, the way you talk" strikes me as a painfully clinched lyric in 2011 and the generally predictable beats didn't show any level of musical thought beyond "getting drunk with your bros." The dual guitars seemed unnecessary as there was little variation to the riffage. To be fair, all of the attributes - heavy basslines, swaggering vocals - were perfectly fitting to their chosen style of music, it just wasn't a sound that resonated with me, especially, as mentioned, compared to bands like We're Doomed or Levels who are taking hardcore music to deeper levels, or Glory Glory who bring jazz style compositions to pop music.
The newly nominally-truncated Glory Glory took the stage next and delivered on their promise of smooth, ultra modern pop music for the 21st century. With one year under their belts since their sophomore effort Zombies!!!, the band showcased new and old songs with equal skill. All though they stood out in the lineup coming from a pop/rock tradition, they were easily a hit amongst the now highly sweaty crowd, and it was obvious that even the hardest metalheads and punks couldn't help but move and bob their heads to the infectious grooves. While the sound was not as finely tuned as it could have been (bassist Gavin Maclean's normally deep, dulcet tones were a bit muddied and indistinct) the band still delivered picture perfect pop tunes without ever losing their cool – somehow they make it look easy.
After Glory Glory finished the curtains were drawn across the stage to prepare for We're Doomed's EP release. Plenty of the crowd all ready had copies in hand and T-shirts on body, so when Red Tentacle's own Josh Hogan appeared at the front of the stage to hype the crowd up, it didn't take long for the crowd to work into a frenzy, stopping only to chant “Dooooooomed!” on command. The band finally broke out into their hard and fast opening number, rampant with plenty of two handed tapping and fierce drumming.
The new vocals sounded good, with all the members contributing at some point with melodic or screamed passages, plus a few guest members to drive home the first song. No doubt with a focus on their upcoming Warp tour debut, the newer songs were a little more focused and traditional than some of their previous offerings, but the crowd ate it up and a full size mosh pit soon broke out. The band heads out to Toronto next week, so be sure to grab a copy of the new album as soon as possible – whatever you're opinion on their music a forward thinking Halifax band on a major national tour can only bring attention to the Halifax music scene, so we wish them the best of luck on tour and on down the line.
See all the photos from this show HERE.
See all our videos HERE.